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BU8541 Sport marketing - The Marketing of Champions

NTU Liberal Studies (LS) Elective

BU8541 Sport marketing - The Marketing of Champions

This course is designed to provide students with a broad understanding of the multi-million dollar businesses that characterize the sports marketing industry. We will discuss concepts and strategies as they apply to sports marketing and sponsorship. The perspectives of both corporations and sports organizations will be addressed. We will also focus on marketing of sports products, promotion strategies for media audiences as well as live attendance. The economic impact of this industry will also be reviewed as we delve into the career opportunities presented

1 comment:

  1. This course basically teaches you about the various marketing tools (e.g. sponsorship) for sports products and how non-sports brands infiltrate into the sports market. Lessons can get pretty dry as I found myself hard to stay awake sometimes. There were 2 time slots for this course (only a 3-hour tutorial each week) and mine was on every Friday morning.

    You would be allocated to a group with whom you’d be doing your major project (30% of total grade) and an article analysis (20%). The other components are an individual report based on the article analysis (10%), class participation (10%) and an open-book final exam (30%). The major project just involves studying any sports marketing related aspects of a chosen organisation (e.g. Netball Singapore) and presenting your critiques and recommendations. For the article analysis, you’d only need to select an article related to sports marketing issues. My team did on one that discussed about the partnership between Formula One and Singapore Airlines.
