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BU8601 Fundamentals Of Management

NTU Business & Management (BM) Electives

BU8601 Fundamentals Of Management

To function in an organisation, technical skills by themselves are insufficient; they have to be supplemented by management training. Success in an organisation depends as much on general management skills and understanding operational systems as on technical expertise. Hence, students need a firm foundation in management skills. This course is designed for non-business students and aims to equip them with the knowledge, skills and competence in various aspects of management, including: the role of management and managers; decision-making, planning and strategy; managing organisational architecture; managing individuals and groups; and controlling critical organisational processes.


  1. Study Techniques: Mindmaps/Definition List
    Notes: (Mindmap)
    Results: B+

    How did I study?
    1. Read up (too ahead) before every chapter.
    2. Read both recommended textbooks.
    3. Did my mindmaps faithfully.
    4. Did my tutorials faithfully.
    5. Spot questions before exam and clarify with the tutor.
    6. Start doing my course assignments early.

    Mistakes made:
    1. I read up too early before every chapter. As such, everything seems foreign again before the lecture.
    2. I never take the initiative to read up more (too engrossed in games n cca during semester).
    3. I never practice extra questions.
    4. I never try a full exam papers and get my time management plan right.
    5. I never follow rigidly to my time management plan.
    6. I should have set my watch to the correct time and not fall into complacency that I still have 5 min left always.
    7. I should not have leave my assignment done in the last minute.
    8. Mindmaps was done too late after or too early before lectures.

    Tips for scoring:
    1. Read up the chapter before going for lesson
    2. After the lectures, do your tutorials faithfully
    3. Do a revision immediately after your lectures/tutorials
    4. Master your skills in doing the 3 important financial documents (Income statement, balance sheet, and especially Statement of Cash Flow)
    5. Practice all the textbook problems at the end of each chapter.
    6. Do a final revision before the exam.
    7. Try out at least 3 past year exam papers before the actual paper to familiarise yourself with the format. This can also help you in planning your time management.

    Overall Opinion:
    I agree with Dr. Kamal Kant. Management IS both science and art. After doing mathematical business modules (101 and 102), this module is a definite challenge to me. It is very abstract, and giving good and concrete arguements is a necessary skills.
    Exam is a mad rush. I wrote in my worst ever handwriting and fastest ever speed, and manage to write 10 pages of answers, but I only answer 5 out of 7 questions and lose 25 marks for free. The remaining 2 questions, I can only do what is needed to salvage with the remaining time. Hence do plan your time in the exam properly.
    Exam tips was given in the last lecture, so DO NOT MISS THE LAST LECTURE(Actually every lecture is important, so do not miss any). Questions was set by Dr Kant, and it was exactly the tips he has given. Nonetheless, you should not limit only the topics he's listed. Study all topics to give your answer substance, but focus on the ones he has given.
    To score an A, mastering the concepts in the two textbooks is definitely not enough. There are millions of management concepts in the world, and it is by listing concepts outside the textbook that differentiates you as an A student. I actually found that out when I re-read the Art of War after exams. So do read up, it's a good investment.

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