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HE9091 Principles of Economics

NTU Art Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) and Liberal Arts (LA) Electives

HE9091 Principles of Economics

Introduction. Demand and supply. Marginal reasoning and profit maximization. Market structure. Externality. Introduction to Macroeconomics. Keynesian Cross Model. Money, banking and financial Institutions. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Open economy. International trade.


  1. Course Name: Principles of Economics
    Course Code: HE9091
    Elective Type: Gerpe AHSS or UE

    Comment: I took this course due to having taken H1 Economics in JC (and having no other electives to take :X). The course is conducted weekly, 2 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial. It is highly recommended to attempt the tutorial questions(or at least read the lecture slides) before attending the tutorial. Otherwise, you would have no clue what the tutor is talking about by the third or fourth tutorial. (This is where most students give up and realise they cannot drop the course)

    Make sure that by the end of recess week you should be familiar with the first half of the content, or you WILL find yourself short on time to even understand the chapters behind. This is especially so for the macro part, which has almost double the content and difficulty of the micro part. Contrary to what most students believe, there are NO essay questions, rather long structured questions with a few parts are present in the Finals.

    Verdict: If you have taken Economics during JC, most terms and concepts should be familiar with you.(I forgot all that I learnt during JC after NS :P) I got an average score for Midterms, studied properly only after recess week, left 10 marks blank during Finals and got A-.

    Therefore for those who took H2 Economics, this is a chance you do not want to waste. For people who do not have any background in Economics, following my advice in the comments will net you a B+ at least.
