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AB1202 Statistical & Quantitative Methods

NTU Nanyang Business School Common Cores


AB1202 Statistical & Quantitative Methods / Analysis


This course covers the basic principles and methods in statistics and probability that are important to accountancy and business students. The emphasis is on the understanding of principles and the development of problem solving skills. Students also learn how to interpret outputs from statistical software.

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  1. 1. AD1202 Statistics and Quantitative Methods

    Course Assessments:
    In-class Quiz - 20%
    Team Presentation - 10%
    Finals - 70%
    Total - 100%
    (But am pretty sure the syllabus has changed already, as mentioned by Prof Chin last sem)

    Recommended Tutors:
    Chin Chee Kai, Bala

    Need textbook for tutorial questions and practice.

  2. AB1202 Statistical & Quantitative Methods
    Lectures attended: 100%. No easy feat.
    Tutorials attended: 100%. (Chin Chee Kai)
    Textbook(s): Bruce L. Bowerman, Richard T. O’Connell, Emily S. Murphree (2014). Business Statistics in Practice, 7th Edition. McGraw-Hill International Edition. ISBN 13: 978-125-906039-7.
    Assessment: Course Participation (20%), Quiz (20%), Final Examination, Open Book (60%)
    If you think stats was easy, you will be in for a surprise in this module. This module requires a lot of practice. Think of this module as though it is a mathematics subject, you need to practice and experience to perform.

    Students who took A Levels Mathematics will benefit as the first half of the module is similar to what you had learnt during your Junior College times. Do not let your guard down though, as the new topics in the second half are important and will determine whether you score well or not in this module.

    My tutor is one of the recommended tutor to have. He is decent, he will explains concepts well during tutorials and ensure that your doubts are cleared. He will also elaborate on the concepts further to allow you understand better and apply in different situations. Expect tough questions to be answered during tutorials. ;)

    Getting a graphic calculator is important (It is costly, yes. Alternatively, borrow it from someone for this semester.) It may feel like you are taking the short way out but you will need to get familiar with it as much as possible before the big day itself. Of course, if you have the time, and passion, please do know how to get the solution without the use of the calculator because understanding the concepts is key to scoring well in this module.

    I would recommend getting a textbook, the physical one. I made the mistake of getting the E-book before purchasing the hardcopy (my wallet). You will be reading extensively and the e-book platform they are on will just slow you down. Besides, you will need the extra practice from the textbook.
