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Overseas Exchange

Last updated: 29/12/2016


Included exchange guides from other Nanyang Technological University students:

ORIGINAL: 10 things you need to know for GEM Explorer

Planning for exchange can be a headache - too much information scattered everywhere. To save you time:

Here's an aggregation of 10 things you need to know!

Overseas Exchange near Cinque Terre, at University of Boccini, Italy


#01: Application Key Dates

  • Open: 27 December 2016; 12pm
  • Deadline: 17 January 2016; 12pm
Follow this process to apply: iNTU - Studentlink - Academic Matters - Student Exchange - GEM Explorer: Online Application module.

NTU GEM Explorer Online Application Portal


Different students decide on their exchange university based on different factors. These include:

  • #02: Exchange Slot Vacancies
  • #03: Application Slot Statistics
  • #04: Clearing of modules
  • #05: Transfer of credits
  • #06: Prerequisites
  • #07: Prestige of university
This post covers the technical and academic side of things. We'll leave you to do the fun stuff - beware of seasons (summer and winter GEM Explorer can result in polarizing experiences)

#02: Exchange Slot Vacancies 

Comparing number of people applying, against the number of spots available will help determine your chances. This is especially important if your Priority of Offer is low [see #09]. 

Click to access the Number of Vacancies for each University.

#03: Application Slot Statistics (Up-to-date) 

Paste the URL below, replacing the highlighted information with your Matric Number, Year and Semester of intended exchange, to view the current slot statistics.


After it prompts a log-in, paste the link (with your input details) again. Otherwise, you can find it within the GEM Explorer: 
Online Application module. 

Here are the statistics correct as at 26th December 2016.

#04: Clearing of modules

Coursefinder is commonly used tool to match the modules. Coursefinder can be found as seen in the picture below, at: iNTU - Studentlink - Academic Matters - Student Exchange - Coursefinder.

 NTU Course Finder Page

If you are from NBS, go to the more updated link here: NBS Updated Course Matching Link, as recommended by the NBS exchange coordinator Ms Chee Chai Ling. 

Find out who your faculty's Exchange Coordinator is here.

#05: Transferring Credits

In the past you could clear and transfer ANY number of modules. Students exploited this loophole and did 6 modules in Overseas GEM, and another 6 modules via Fee Pay to Taiwan, clearing 12 modules/ 48 AUs, approximately 45% of their entire syllabus in NTU.

The system has since wised up. Now, depending on your year of enrollment, you can transfer up to 6 NTU courses, with a 3-Specialisation Core restriction. Double degree and double specialisation students rejoice! 

Find out how many AUs and Credits you can transfer here.

#06: Prerequisites

Fulfilling NBS prerequisites does not 
mean you are eligible to take the course in the Exchange University, as you may have yet to fulfill their prerequisites. Many students end up clearing only 1 or 2 cores. 

 You should:

  1. Talk to  predecessors to see if they successfully cleared the modules
  2. Email your faculty exchange University Coordinator
  3. Plan your current modules well. Many people follow NTU's prescribed timetable, which may impede their clearing of modules overseas
Which modules are prerequisites of others? Read about this at Module Planning.

#07: Prestige of University

Some people want to go to a renowned university. Well, NTU is pretty awesome already!

See how the universities line up.


Overseas Exchange near London Bridge, at United Kingdom

#08: Criteria to go for Gem Explorer
  1. Be a full-time NTU undergraduate
  2. Complete at least 2 semesters at NTU before the exchange semester
  3. Have a minimum CGPA of 3.5, or be restricted to partner universities from China, India, and the ASEAN University Network
  4. Have never been on an overseas exchange programme before

#09: Priority of Offer

  1. Be a CN Yang, USP & TSP scholar - Scholar's Guarantee
  2. Citizenship: Singaporeans and Permanent Residents have priority
  3. Academic Performance: GPA
  4. Seniority: Semesters to graduate

#10: Peripheral Information

Share this with friends if it helped! Let us know which good exchange guides there in the comments box below!

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